Welcome to the start of your spiritual journey.
We hope you are excited about learning about yourself as we are about being on the journey with you.
As the Age of Pisces ends, the Age of Aquarius begins. We’re well into the Age of Pisces, which runs roughly from 50 BCE to 2100, and new archetypes are emerging as the old gods fade. This is creating a great deal of chaos and confusion, along with a great desire for something new.
Aquarius symbolizes a time of discovery, innovation and progress. Aquarius speaks of humanity’s quest for a better future. Ruler of the group, Aquarius speaks of cooperation and brotherhood.
In the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius represents a battle between two different systems, progress versus tradition, the mind versus a soul, or God versus machine.
But it also represents the possibility of uniting the spiritual with the collective, a time when humanity’s yearning for transcendence, race, colour and social status transcends to a place where humanity may achieve the eternal universal connection.
Our goal is to awaken everyone‘s magic. A healer’s support.
Activating the alchemy within you which is pure magic is what we are here for; we are here to enhance who you are and to support you.